Tuesday 19 November 2019

FAKE Postcards

I learnt how to use remove background to make a fake postcard.
I enjoyed finding images to use as the background for the postcards.
It was hard to make the layers on the second postcard.
It was easy to add our pictures into the postcard.
Next time we would use different backgrounds or make it from scratch instead of using a template.

Monday 4 November 2019

Phishing game

I learnt how to make a Quiz/Game using google slides. We also learnt about phishing.
I enjoyed creating the game with the pictures.
It was hard making the buttons to each slide.

Blog Commenting Scratch Game

I made a game on scratch to help with blog commenting.
I enjoyed creating the animals with different textures.
It was hard to make all the boxes on the top show the answers that you put in.
I hope you like it.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Creating Collages

I learnt how to use images to make a collage. I made a red panda as my creation. We also leant about algorithms- instructions for computers. I enjoyed using the different textures and shapes to make my Red panda. I found it hard to find the right textures for it.

Monday 23 September 2019

Design Challenge

We learnt how to use polyline to make a unique rugby world cup uniform with a buddy.
I found it easy to work with Clare and to find the information for Italy.
I found it hard to create the shape of the uniforms.
I  enjoyed working with Clare and taking the action shots.

Thursday 15 August 2019

More Animation

I learnt how to make a GIF using google slides and a website called Tall Tweets.

What you need to do is make a presentation on google slides and add it to Tall Tweets. In the first box, write 1200, if you're making a GIF, make the slide duration 0.25 seconds.

Level 1,2 and 3 Questions

For reading, we had sort different questions. They either go in Level one, Level two or Level three.
It was kind of hard to sort all 15 questions.
Level one questions are short and don't take long to answer.
Level two questions are a bit harder, but also don't take long to answer.
Level three questions are the hardest out of all of the different types of questions, and take more than one resource to answer.

Tuesday 13 August 2019

Worm Farm/Composting

For inquiry, my class made a diagram about Worm Farm and composting.
I enjoyed drawing the pictures and making the titles.
I found it challenging to think of the order of the different stages.
My new ideas for it would be to make another diagram about what the Worm pee and Compost do.
 The stages for Worm Farm are:
Worms, Scraps, Dirt/Soil, Newspaper, Wet the newspaper then after a few days you get Worm pee

The stages for Composting are:
Grass, Seaweed, Scraps, Dry leaves, Straw/Hay then after a few months you get Dirt/Soil.

Monday 12 August 2019

Vacation Tour

Vacation Tour

“Woohoo!” I was so excited to arrive. I had just found Leana, Quinn and
Mikayla, so we can finally go to Hawaii. We got on to the Plane and found our seats, but they were taken by other people. We asked the manager if there were any other seats and he said, “There’s no one in first-class, would you like to go there” “We would love to”. So we sat down and thought that this was going to be the best time ever. The plane took off.

The ride was going smoothly until, BOOM! I didn’t know what it was but it was really loud, BOOM! There it was again. I could feel the plane going down and down and down until there was a sudden CRASH!

I sat still for a moment then realized that we crashed in Hawaii. “Is everyone okay,” I said, “Yes,” they all yelled. We all got off the plane and looked around, this was the place I was hoping for. But we celebrated too soon, WE FORGOT OUR……….

…...LUGGAGE! This was when I started to panic. Leana ran to the Pilot and asked where our luggage could be. The Pilot got out our bags, luckily there were 4. We opened our bags and they were full of sand and water, and I think mine had fish swimming in it. We emptied them out and everything was okay. We were all safe but we couldn’t find a place to stay, so I guessed we were stuck in Hawaii for the rest of the Summer.


I learned how to make an animation using google slides.
At the start, I thought it was hard but now that I've done it, it seems easy.
I enjoyed making my head open up.
It was hard to make my head move and match up.
Next time I would make something come out of my head.

Wednesday 3 July 2019

This is our collaborative art that we we had to do with a buddy. I learnt how to design the feathers and stick them on. I did my work with Mya. I enjoyed Designing the patterns on the feathers. If I did this again I would make more different designs and maybe choose different colours.

Tuesday 2 July 2019

At maths we had to complete magic squares, for the little magic squares we had to use numbers 1, 2 and 3. In the other magic square we had to use the numbers 222, 555 and 888. We got both magic squares right. I learnt that the answer is always 3 times the number in the middle.

Monday 29 April 2019

Today we learned about seeking help while we work on our computers. We now know that we can
take a screenshot if we come across something that isn't good online.

We worked collaboratively with a buddy and had to send an email to our teacher when we were
asked to 'Get Help'.

We also learned about using 'Polyline'

Monday 18 March 2019

I learnt about averages with my problem solving group. We made a table and our own problem.
Fifi is selling lemonade. She averages sales of 11 cups a week she sells a 121 cups altogether. How many weeks does she sell cups?

Tuesday 5 March 2019

This is what I learnt about rip currents