Tuesday 8 December 2020

Remake of Statue of Liberty

Today for Manaiakalani, we got to colour in famous art pieces. I coloured in the Statue of Liberty and used all the colours I saw. It was easy to colour in the different parts of the painting. I enjoyed randomizing the colours on it. 



My New Neighbors


I got home and looked through the window to see my new neighbors. I was shocked at the sight. They were cats with human bodies. If they caught me looking through the window, I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to escape. These cats are dangerous so if you see any suspicious actions, RUN!!!

Today at Manaiakalani we learnt how to make fake media. Did you believe in the story. I enjoyed making picture. It was hard to make it look right and it was easy to remove the background on the images. 


Thursday 17 September 2020

Pr1me Page Game

We were learning about creating a game to help show other people about our understanding of Pr1me maths.
I found it easy to make the characters.
I found it hard to code all the different objects.
I really enjoyed making the levels (including bonus levels).
Next time I need to try make the game longer/harder and new levels.

Wednesday 26 August 2020

5 Second Blogger Intro

Today we were learning about making an intro video using Wevideo.
I found it easy to find the music for it.
I found it hard to think of what I was going to do for the video in Five seconds.
I really enjoyed editing the video with all the effects.
Next time I could try and make the video a bit different with different edits.

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Tipu Scratch Game

Today we were learning about making a game to teach people Maori.
I found it easy to make the character.
I found it hard to make the code at the start.
I really enjoyed creating the game itself.
Next time I need to add more characters.
Just so you know It's not quite finished yet so I'll fix it Asap!

Monday 20 July 2020

Copyright Challenge

We were learning to make a presentation with no copyright images.
It was easy to find the images for it.
It was hard to think about what I like (It was hard to think of things like my favourite animal and more)
I really enjoyed making it look cool.
Next time I should update it more like my age and delete the text.

Tuesday 30 June 2020

Tipu Video

We were learning about using Te reo in our video.
I found it easy to come up with the ideas.
I found it hard to edit it.
I enjoyed creating the video and using the effects.
Next time I could try making it a bit different with a different theme.